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Nutritional Supplements

Whether you're seeking nutritional supplements to bolster your diet, as means of preventing certain conditions, or to help with existing health issues, Aviva can help you on your journey to better health! We carry a huge selection of vitamins and nutritional supplements (including some only available from healthcare professionals) for a broad array of health concerns, including allergy relief, arthritis pain, cardiovascular or immune support, men's or women's health, and much more! We also have a wide selection protein or meal replacement powders, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and more, to help keep you energized all day long.

You can find Winnipeg's largest selection of supplements in our retail store, and of course - we ship worldwide. See a variety of organized supplement collections below, or jump to brand pages - just some of the dietary supplements brands we carry include: 88 HerbsAOR * Biotics * CanPrev * Carlson * Certified Naturals * Douglas Labs * EnerexFlora * Garden of Life * Genestra * InnotechLife Choice * Living Alchemy * Metagenics * New Roots * NOW * Nutridom * Omega Alpha * Platinum * Prairie Doctor * Prairie Naturals * Protocol * Pure Encapsulations * PuricaSalus * St. FrancisTrophic * Truehope * Ultimate * W. Gifford Jones

5 products


  • Beekeeper's Naturals - Raw Honey Hive Blend
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Harmonic Arts - Wild Harvested Pine Pollen Powder
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Organika - Beef Bone Broth Protein Powder
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Prairie Naturals - Bone Broth Protein
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Rice Bran Solubles (with Tocotrienols)
    Regular price
    Sale price