Genestra Brands
“Healing is our Nature.”
Founded in 1987, Genestra is a trusted healthcare practitioner brand offering professional-grade products. Taking a holistic approach to individualized healing for over 30 years, Genestra Brands (a division of Seroyal) has an ongoing commitment to providing the safest and most effective formulas that reflect the very latest in evidence-based research (including their extensive line of HMF probiotics).
Exceptional quality, consistency, stability, and reliability. Only the purest natural ingredients are used through their stringent quality assurance program, employing only the best in rigorous manufacturing standards. Genstra is an Atrium Innovations brand, all of the ingredients in Genestra supplements are listed in their full label disclosure policy, and all minerals used are listed by true elemental weight.
Genestra - Butyric Acid (Butyrate Complex or SunButyrate Liquid)
- Regular price
- Sold out
- Sale price
- $44.25
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