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Ovry Early Result Pregnancy Test Strips package
Contents of Ovry Pregnancy Test Strips package
Ovry Pregnancy Test Strip Instructions

Ovry - Early Result Pregnancy Test Strips

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Info: 10 Early Result Pregnancy Tests

Ovry Pregnancy Test Strips enable you to know if you're pregnant with a high degree of certainty up to six days before the first day of your expected period, and with 99.7% accuracy if done after that point. Ovry pregnancy tests can be done anywhere and it only takes about a minute to get positive results (or up to 15 when negative).

Info: 10 Early Result Pregnancy Tests

Ovry Pregnancy Test Strips enable you to know if you're pregnant with a high degree of certainty up to six days before the first day of your expected period, and with 99.7% accuracy if done after that point. Ovry pregnancy tests can be done anywhere and it only takes about a minute to get positive results (or up to 15 when negative).

Product Notes:

These Canadian-made "strip format" tests are every bit as accurate and quick to use as the most expensive brand names you can buy in the drug stores, but are small, discreet, and use 90% less single-use plastic.

They work by detecting the presence of the HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) hormone in a fresh urine sample, which appears very early in a pregnancy.

The threshold of HCG detection of these ultra-sensitive tests is 10 mIU/ml, which can reach that level as early as 23 days after the beginning of the last period (for those with a 28 day menstrual cycle). But the HCG might not reach that level so soon even if you are already pregnant, so it's recommended you continue to test every 2 days after that if the result was negative, since they will continue to double every 2 days during the early weeks.

Similarly, if the initial test was administered some days before the date of your expected period and there was a faint positive result, you should still test again a few days later to confirm, since it could turn out to be a "chemical pregnancy" which undergoes a natural termination.

Related: Also see the Ovulation Test Strips, and the Male Fertility Test from Ovry.

What's Included in the Box:

Everything you need, and nothing you don't. (No extra plastic packaging or battery-operated screens.)

10 Pouches (which each contain a single test strip plus a desiccant to protect it from humidity); a clean, dry plastic container to collect the urine sample; and Test Instructions.

Suggested Usage:

Although the urine sample (which may be collected in any clean and dry plastic or glass container, not just the one provided) may be provided at any time of day, for most people, the HCG concentration the test is designed to measure will be highest in the early morning.

Keep the box (or at least its sealed pouches) away from direct sunlight, moisture, heat and freezing conditions, at temperatures between 2 and 30°C (36-86°F) up until their expiration date. Use the test strip immediately after opening its aluminum pouch.


An HCG measurement by itself cannot detect whether it is a normal pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy; only a physician can diagnose that.

Positive HCG levels may be detectable for several weeks following a delivery, abortion, or miscarriage, which could give a false positive result if you have recently undergone one of those.

UPC / Barcode: 628176452135