Info: Wooden Diffuser to Clip Onto Vehicle's Air Fan Vent
Many people spend a lot of time in personal vehicles commuting each day, which can increase their stress levels, ruin their mood, and/or impair their productivity or sociability after arriving, when the traffic, road construction, or drivers are bad. Fortunately, there's an affordable and low-maintenance measure we can all take to stave off road rage and maintain our equanimity: aromatherapy (i.e. using essential oils such as CB2 Wellness Blend or lavender to induce calm, or an intention spray such as SESH to foster creativity), using a passive type of diffuser that capitalizes on the vehicle's own cabin air fan.
Info: Wooden Diffuser to Clip Onto Vehicle's Air Fan Vent
Many people spend a lot of time in personal vehicles commuting each day, which can increase their stress levels, ruin their mood, and/or impair their productivity or sociability after arriving, when the traffic, road construction, or drivers are bad. Fortunately, there's an affordable and low-maintenance measure we can all take to stave off road rage and maintain our equanimity: aromatherapy (i.e. using essential oils such as CB2 Wellness Blend or lavender to induce calm, or an intention spray such as SESH to foster creativity), using a passive type of diffuser that capitalizes on the vehicle's own cabin air fan.
Product Notes:
As its name implies, the exterior of this small 'coffin-shaped' diffuser is made of attractive wood, and it's designed to work with the heating/air-conditioning vents in your vehicle – clipping onto it, so the cabin fan blows air through a series of openings on its underside, then passes through an absorbent tube (similar to an old oil lamp wick) that's been freshly infused with an essential oil to give off a scent, to be expelled through the long slits on both of its long sides and into the cabin where you're seated.
Each diffuser comes sealed in a plastic bag/pouch, with two unscented absorbent cylindrical tubes/pads (i.e., 1 extra one).
Unlike ultrasonic diffusers and fan-equipped evaporative diffusers which require some sort of plugged-in power source or frequent recharging, and often need to have water mixed with the oils before dispensing to prevent them from clogging, these scent dispensers are completely passive, requiring only that you plop a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto its inner cylinder and situate it right in front of the car vent. Thus, there is no need to worry either about having water to accompany your scent and diluting the oil in the right ratio, or about running the risks of draining the car battery, or shorting something out, or causing a fire if its electronics fail to operate properly – because there are none!
Length: 3.5"
Height: 5/8" (0.625")
Depth: 3/4" (0.75")
Suggested Usage:
To add a scent to diffuse, just pull up on and remove the top face plate, which is held in place by magnets. Tap 5 to 10 drops of your chosen essential oil onto different sections of the absorbent white cylinder (which is removable), and reinstall the face plate. To diffuse the scent, just clip the newly scent-infused unit onto one of the car vents (you may need to adjust the wheel on the vent to open it up, first) and turn on the car fan.
Although you may be tempted to leave your vials or bottle(s) of terpenes or essential oils in the vehicle at all times for this purpose, they can be spoiled by high temperatures, so should not be subjected to direct sunlight or left out during very hot temperatures (which can be virtually all summer if the vehicle is parked in the sun with the windows closed).