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Beekeeper's Naturals Throat Relief Spray
Beekeeper's Naturals Kid's Propolis Spray

Beekeeper's Naturals - Throat Relief Spray (Propolis Spray)

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Info: 30 ml (1.06 fl oz) Pump-Action Spray Bottle; Available in Two Types

Propolis - the natural resin which bees create from the saps of various trees to use as a sealant in their hives - is a great source of antioxidants with a variety of health benefits due to its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties: especially relieving sore throats. Similarly, buckwheat honey, which is in the Kid's version, can also help suppress cough frequency, to enable a more restful sleep for everyone concerned during upper respiratory tract infections.

Info: 30 ml (1.06 fl oz) Pump-Action Spray Bottle; Available in Two Types

Propolis - the natural resin which bees create from the saps of various trees to use as a sealant in their hives - is a great source of antioxidants with a variety of health benefits due to its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties: especially relieving sore throats. Similarly, buckwheat honey, which is in the Kid's version, can also help suppress cough frequency, to enable a more restful sleep for everyone concerned during upper respiratory tract infections.

Product Notes:

Propolis may help relieve sore and/or scratchy throats, as well as cold sores (HSV) and other mouth and throat infections.

The two Propolis Sprays from Beekeeper's Naturals are a high grade (95% extract) Canadian bee propolis that come in 4-inch tall spray bottles (with no added refined sugar or other ingredients, and just enough purified water and glycerin to keep the contents flowing well) - enough to last most people a few months.

The Kid's version, which has about 10% less propolis per dose to make it safer for children, has been bolstered with buckwheat honey, not only as a sweetener, but also because it has antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties and can act as a cough suppressant.

Related: Also see Beekeeper's Naturals Propolis Lozenges. We may also have Beekeeper's Naturals Propolis Cough Syrup (118 ml) available in our Winnipeg store, which also contains other immune-boosting ingredients like buckwheat honey, chaga, elderberry, and Grape Seed Extract (GSE).


Standard Throat Relief Spray: each 0.5 ml (= 4 sprays) contains:

85 mg Bee Propolis (bee hive of the honey bee [Apis mellifera L.])

Non-medicinal ingredients: Non-GMO vegetable glycerin and purified water.

Kid's Propolis Spray: each 0.5 ml (= 4 sprays) contains:

77.5 mg Bee Propolis (bee hive of the honey bee [Apis mellifera L.])

Non-medicinal ingredients: Non-GMO vegetable glycerin, purified water, and buckwheat honey.

These products contain no: Dairy, egg, artificial preservatives, colours, artificial sweeteners, yeast, wheat, corn, soya or gluten.

Suggested Usage:

Standard type: Adults only: spray 0.5 ml (4 sprays) into the throat 3 to 6 times a day. Consult a healthcare practitioner for use beyond 1 month.

Kid's type: For children aged two to twelve, the recommended dose is 4 sprays, twice per day. Prior to taking the first full dose, have your child try 1 spray and monitor closely for any signs of an allergic response (such as a rash, swelling, or trouble breathing). Consult a healthcare practitioner for use beyond one month.

Store bottles in a cool, dry place to preserve freshness.


Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to using Beekeeper's Naturals Throat Relief Spray or the Kid's Propolis Spray if you (or your kids) are allergic to bee hive products, poplar tree products, or balsam of Peru, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

In addition, for the Kid's type, consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if the intended user has asthma or atopic dermatitis (eczema), or is allergic to pollen.

For both types: Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. Hypersensitivity, such as allergy, has been known to occur; in which case, discontinue immediately.

Health Canada Natural Product Numbers: 80066482 for the standard Throat Relief Spray; and 80082434 for Kid's Propolis Spray.

Supporting Science:

Regarding Honey:

Arentz, Susan et al. “Honeybee products for the treatment and recovery from viral respiratory infections including SARS-COV-2: A rapid systematic review.” Integrative Medicine Research, 2021.

Fashner, Julia et al. “Treatment of the common cold in children and adults.” American Family Physician, 2012.

Paul, Ian M et al. “Effect of honey, dextromethorphan, and no treatment on nocturnal cough and sleep quality for coughing children and their parents.” Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2007.

Wagner, Johana B Castro, and Harold S Pine. “Chronic cough in children.” Pediatric Clinics of North America, 2013.

Regarding Propolis:

Almuhayawi, Mohammed Saad. “Propolis as a novel antibacterial agent.” Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2020.

Przybyłek, Izabela, and Tomasz M Karpiński. “Antibacterial Properties of Propolis.” Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2019.

Zulhendri, Felix et al. “Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Antiparasitic Properties of Propolis: A Review.” Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 2021.

Product Options:
Standard Throat Relief Spray - $16.99 - UPC: 628055142010
Kid's Propolis Spray - $16.99 - UPC: 628055142188