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Dr. Bach's Original Flower Remedies - A Trusted Brand for More Than 85 Years

Although he trained and qualified and initially practiced as a conventional medical doctor in England shortly before World War I and conducted laboratory research on microbiology and vaccines, Dr. Edward Bach eventually turned away from the disease model to focus more on people's emotional and spiritual rather than their physical symptoms. In his subsequent research, he developed a theory of personality types and the emotions which go into them, and how those different emotions can each be affected by plants, and developed a process to isolate the extracts of certain plants to target each emotion, which resulted in 38 Bach Flower Remedies, in all. The Rescue Remedies are a blend of 5 of those individual remedies, to help people get through crises, emergencies or any type of stressful situation, when they do not have time to explore which individual type might be best for them.

4 products
  • Bach - Rescue Remedy Drops
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    Sale price
  • Bach - Rescue Night Spray
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Bach - Kids Rescue Remedy Drops
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Bach - Rescue Remedy Spray
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