Relora: A Step Forward in Control
Magnolia Bark
Jayson Kroner
In spite of some otherwise worthy attempts, it seems as though too many of us are still waiting for that one perfect diet to come along. You know the one. It’s stress free, easy to follow, works quickly and guarantees permanent results. Unfortunately, no such diet (that we know of) has yet to be developed, and we’re not holding our breath in the hopes that it will any time soon. This leaves us at the mercy of our own willpower, or so we would think. Because as far too many of us have discovered, mere willpower doesn’t always hold that much merit when it comes to successful dieting. Subjecting the body to a series of completely unexpected changes in the metabolic process is the biological equivalent of jamming a steel rod into the spokes of a bicycle. As a result, most diets don’t make it past the first few weeks. Not because we’re too hungry, too weak or even too tempted – it’s because we’re too human.
You see, when it comes to successful dieting, knowledge can be a much more effective tool than willpower. In contrast, failure to understand the metabolic, neurological and hormonal changes inherent to body shaping can be a person’s biggest dietary pitfall. It’s also why such an eye-opening number of today’s dieters just seem to 'give up'. This misunderstanding and lack of information is what ultimately paves the path for dietary failure, right from the very start.
Think about it. What’s the first thing we do when we embark on a new diet? We skip meals, eat rice cakes by the gross and do everything in our power to avoid fat consumption. And while this may seem like a logical strategy, it’s a distant cry from what the body actually needs, and a metabolic disaster that’s just waiting to happen. Here’s why. As we skip meals and eliminate fat, we unsuspectingly deprive ourselves of the compounds needed to burn fat, stay energized and support metabolism. Sure, we might be able to justify these changes, but they confuse the body, biologically. In short, what we see as a diet, the body sees as starvation.
This puts tremendous stress on the entire system, and in the process, triggers a biological fight or flight defense mechanism that the body employs to keep us from starving. As steady meals and basic nutrients become more scarce, the metabolic process gradually slows to a modest crawl. Additional stress hormones are released to protect the body at the first sign of this stress. When deprived of any viable energy sources, the body becomes catabolically frazzled and often resorts to feeding on whatever it can find to stay fuelled. This is where things get ugly. Normal digestion becomes compromised, fatigue sets in, and that positive attitude that once helped you make it through the day is quickly replaced by hunger pangs and a constant desire to eat. This is why diets fail. Not because of willpower, but rather the massive systematic stress that inevitably follows it.
Ok, this may all sound a bit discouraging. But make no mistake – this is the reality of what happens within the human body every time we jump head first into a diet without doing our homework. But don’t fret, because there are measures that can be taken to help counter the system-wide snowball effect of dietary stress. In addition to paying close attention to obtaining the right nutrients (essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, amino acids, etc…), supplementing with a compound called Relora can provide the support you need to make the process much easier.
Relora is a novel blend of plant extracts from patented Magnolia officinalis and patent-pending Phellodendron amurense, and has been shown in a number of clinical, placebo-controlled studies to help to alleviate the symptoms associated with diet-related stress. From nervous tension and irritability, to concentration difficulties and occasional sleeplessness, scores of users have reported tremendous success with their diet and stress levels while supplementing Relora.
Here’s how it works. When you diet, your body interprets caloric deprivation and hunger as a serious metabolic threat. As your appetite and eating patterns continue to shift gears, your adrenal gland gradually responds by releasing a stress hormone called cortisol. Excess stress hormone production is commonly associated with many of the most challenging aspects of dieting, such as overeating, poor sleep habits, mental fatigue and immune system sluggishness. The active compounds in Relora bind to receptor sites in the central nervous system associated with stress, but do not bind with receptors that influence sedation. This makes Relora a non-sedating, non-habit forming solution that can be taken safely by anyone trying to reach their goals.
NOW is one of the most trusted names in the industry when it comes to premium Relora products. Their 300 mg Relora formula is safe, potent, and standardized to 1.5% Honokiol and 0.1% Berberine. And oh yes, it retails for about half the price of other cortisol support formulas.
Health Disclaimer. Content provided by NOW Foods. Copyright ©2006-2022. Published with permission. Jayson Kroner is a health and fitness journalist, a certified sports nutritionist, and co-author of the book '7-Syndrome Healing'.
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