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Medical Indications for kybun

Causes of common medical indications and how the kybun may be used as a therapeutic and training tool.

Important - Information here is provided by kybun's Health Advisor. Consult with your healthcare professional prior to beginning or changing any treatment, and before purchasing any health product.

Back Pain

The spinal column is a very complex construction. It consists of 24 vertebrae. Facet joints join the vertebrae, transverse processes at the thoracic spine join the spinal column with the ribs of the thorax. The intervertebral discs between the vertebrae are very flexible and resilient.

The ligaments join the bones and guide the movements. Many small and large muscles move the spinal column. The main function of the spinal column is the facilitation of motion and the protection of the inner organs.

Back pains signal that tension pulls the highly complex structures of the spinal column into malpositions. Due to the malpositions, the nerves which are sending pain signals to the brain, are irritated. The tensions develop through overexertion, muscle dysbalances, incorrect and relieving postures which in turn occur because of incorrect walking and too much sitting.

Frequent sitting shortens the hip flexors and pulls the spinal column into a relieving posture. This develops a tendency to bend forward which pushes the intervertebral discs out of the vertebrae and irritates the nerves.

Walking on hard surfaces in shoes with heels has similar consequences. Even a small heel prevents the physiological rolling motion of the foot and limits the movement of the foot. Thereby the movement of the knee and the hips is also limited and the bending posture of the back is increased.

Bending forward of the spinal column has the consequence that the center of gravity of the body falls forward thereby lengthening the step. More hip activity develops. The hip flexors are strengthened even more, the back thigh musculature and also the deep abdominal muscles are relieved which leads to a vicious circle of even more relieving and bending.

The forward relieving posture is complemented by a sideway relieving posture because the left and the right sides of the human body are asymmetrical. The left or the right side additionally goes into a relieving posture which leads to a contortion in the pelvic area.

Tensions develop through bending, incorrect and relieving postures, muscle dysbalances, and shortening of various muscle groups. These muscular problems can be improved or even solved by movement.

The more optimal the quality of the movement is, i.e. the more accurately the movement is scurried out, the better the muscular problems are solved. Correct movement means walking, very light jogging (trotting), or even better, a change between walking and trotting. Hereby it must be noted that the body is in a stretched posture and does not fall into a relieving posture. A lopsided strain (e.g. limping) and bending are to be avoided.

The air-cushioned kybun sole can reduce back pain and:

  • exercise the fine, deep muscles in your stomach, back and buttocks
  • give your body an erect posture stretch (shortened) muscles, especially the hip flexor (Iliopsoas)
  • compensate for muscle imbalances, especially in the lower leg and thigh area
  • improve asymmetries between the left and right legs, as the foot can sink down deep into the air cushion

Since the kybun does not limit the mobility of the foot but gives it the entire freedom to move, these unlimited movements also continue in the joints (e.g. hips). The spinal column straightens itself; the joints are more ideally placed on top of each other.

The most common reasons for back pains are malposition and muscle weaknesses due to overexertion of the musculature. With the kybun these can be solved. By loosening the musculature, the pain can be relieved most of the time.

The transition from supporting, guiding shoes to the kybun can trigger initial reactions due to the change from a relieving posture (bending) to a pressure posture (stretching).

This can result in the body being overstrained because of the corrected posture (e.g. stretching of the hip flexor, stretching of the lumbar spine) at the beginning. As a consequence there can be pain.

Therefore it is important to build up the training individually. You should not stand too long in the kybun but rather walk, maybe even alternate between trotting and walking.

Slipped Discs

With problems of this type the main focus is on relieving tension, gentle walking, building up your deep, supportive muscles and preventing the tension from building up again (if not caused by psychological stress). All this takes place automatically when you walk on kybun's air cushion, as your body straightens and only gentle pressure is placed on it. In this upright position, superficial muscles which tend to tense up can relax and your deep, stabilizing muscles can do their job again.


In the case of scoliosis it is especially important to relieve the tension in the deep back muscles, as this constantly places greater strain on the spine and 'presses' it even further to one side. kybun can relieve tension through walking; the effect may be felt after just five minutes (and it can help in the long term, too). Make sure that you walk around at the start rather than standing for long periods.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

In cases of ankylosing spondylitis (AS), we absolutely recommend kybun, as the spine is constantly kept in gentle, subtle movement. As you walk, your movements are far gentler than in conventional shoes and activate your fine deep muscles, delaying the onset of reduced mobility. kybun thus also activates the veins and lymph nodes. We advise visiting a dealer to try out kybun and walking in the shoes there for ten or twenty minutes. You can immediately feel kybun doing you good. However, it is also important for sufferers of ankylosing spondylitis to accustom themselves to this new stress gradually. If the ankylosing spondylitis is at an advanced stage or an individual has major balance problems, kybun may be too unstable. In this case, again, it helps to visit a kybun dealer and try kybun out before buying.

Foot Pain

Most shoes available for purchase today support, position and cushion your feet. This takes the stress off your foot muscles, which waste away. Your foot muscles gradually become weaker and less able to stabilize the foot. The result can be malpositioning, such as splayed and flat feet and fallen arches, often accompanied by foot pain.

How kybun affects foot pain

Unlike conventional shoes, kybun destabilizes, sensitizes and mobilizes your feet. Your foot muscles are activated and your feet can thus be stabilized by the muscles in the longitudinal arch. The muscles in your feet and lower legs are exercised with every step you take. As you walk in kybun you can deliberately load your foot, taking the strain off your forefoot. In the case of inflammation, initial care is advisable so as not to aggravate the situation. In such cases it is very important to have a well-structured exercise plan starting out with short, frequent, regular exercises in kybun.

Fallen Arches

Fallen arches are mostly caused by muscle weakness in certain parts of the foot. kybun gives these muscles a great deal of exercise, which can result in considerable improvements to foot posture. Simply watch out, as you walk and stand, that your foot does not bend inwards. This is especially important at the beginning, when you should not wear kybun too long if you experience tiredness or pain. After a few weeks of careful walking, your foot should automatically adopt an upright posture.

Splayed Feet

kybun takes a lot of pressure off painful splayed feet. Over time, the muscular weakness that causes splayed feet is corrected and your feet gradually become less sensitive. Note that thanks to the immediate pain relief there is a risk that you may be tempted to walk a lot more, which could put too much pressure on splayed feet. Please make sure that at the start you do not walk much more than usual, even if you do have far less pain.

Heel Spurs

Heel spurs forms at the transition from plantar fascia to the sinewy part of the heel bone as a result of micro traumata caused by excessive strain. As this micro traumata heal, the body stores bone material into the tendon base as a means of repair. Mechanical irritation of the bony base of the tendon can lead to a painful inflammation at the site. Untreated, this can in turn increase the ossification, thus leading to permanent deterioration with a risk of chronic health problems. It is then often no longer possible to load your foot properly when walking.

How kybun affects heel spurs

When walking with shoes consisting of a conventional, relatively rigid shoe sole, the foot shifts from rear- to forefoot quite fast. In kybun by contrary the body is able to better control the loading pattern from rear- to forefoot taking the strain off your heel. As you shift your weight from rear- to forefoot, the plantar fascia is being mobilized and stretched, improving blood flow and allowing the inflammation to heal better. Although kybun does not heal the underlying disorder, many customers report to be pain free again.

Hallux Valgus

Hallux valgus is the technical term for bunions: a deformity of the big toe, which is angled away from the direction of movement, towards the little toe. Hallux rigidus, or stiff big toe, is a disorder of the main joint of the great toe (arthrosis) caused by wear and tear. One of the main reasons for Hallux is the wrong footwear. High heels put additional pressure on the forefoot area, encourage splaying and squeeze the toes into the tip of the shoe. Tight shoes leave the toes with no room for movement and cause malpositioning. Weak foot muscles additionally allow the toes to fall into this incorrect position.

How kybun affects Hallux

As you walk, kybun’s soft, supple sole distributes the pressure across your entire foot. There is noticeably less peak pressure on your forefoot. At the same time, the dynamic sole strengthens and stretches the muscles in your feet. Your ankle moves, activating the venous pump and raising blood flow through your foot. Shocks are absorbed as you walk, the strain on the forefoot is relieved, the calf and sole muscles are stretched and the foot muscles are strengthened, relieving the pain of Hallux. The wide fit makes kybun extremely comfortable to wear. The causes of Hallux (excessive stress irritating the balls of the feet, muscle shortening and poor circulation due to a compensatory posture) are counteracted. If there is serious arthrosis in the affected toe, the joint will be fairly rigid. At the start, wearing kybun may even be rather unpleasant as the main toe joint is mobilised. If so, it helps to roll through the foot a little less intensively and to cut wearing times to several relatively brief periods per day. As soon as the joint is more mobile the pain is relieved; walking in kybun is a little like therapy for your joints.


Hallux Valgus is a chronic crookedness of the first toe in the first metatorso-phalangeal joint. This incorrect position is either inherited or ‚trained‘ by overexertion (bad footwear, i.e. shoes that are too high or too tight).

In therapy, foot gymnastics has proven valuable because the foot musculature must be strengthened. In addition, the person affected should avoid supporting and guiding shoes as well as orthopedic arch supports because these relieve and weaken the foot musculature. As a consequence, the Hallux Valgus becomes worse. The kybun offers the foot sufficient space. The toes are not constricted and can move freely. Due to the supple aircushion sole, the foot muscles are permanently activated and trained.

After some time, the pain of the inflammation decreases because the musculature is strengthened and becomes more resistant. The training of the foot musculature by the elastic aircushion sole can initially increase the inflammation because the musculature is strongly challenged.

Therefore it is important that the training is planned individually. The customer should not stand in the kybun for too long, but rather walk in it. When walking, a vigorously rolling foot motion needs to be avoided. Stepping down with the entire sole would be ideal.

If the musculature is too weak or the customer has trained too much, temporary wearing of normal shoes is recommended (possibly even with the arch supports), i.e. the customer alternates between the kybun and the shoes he has worn so far. For some customers the change between kybun with arch supports and without arch supports is also advisable. Standing for too long must be avoided.

A regular training with the kybun is important. However, training should never be done to the point of overexertion. At the beginning, the foot should therefore rest regularly in a normal shoe. The longtime goal is to wear the kybun as an everyday shoe.

Hallux Rigidus

The Hallux Rigidus is a pain due to overexertion, i.e. arthrosis of the first metatorso-phalangeal joint. The conventional therapeutic measure is the use of an arch support which supports the foot. The arch support limits the mobility of the first metatorso-phalangeal joint and therefore diminishes the pain.

This measure is counterproductive in the long run. After some time, the first metatorso-phalangeal joint reacts even more sensitive to movement and as a consequence hurts even sooner. The arch support therefore also creates compensatory movements when walking. The foot does not completely execute the rolling motion. Instead the motion is compensated for in the knee and partly transferred to the other side so that the other joints can become overexerted.

The kybun has the following effect:

  • the distribution of the pressure when rolling is essentially more even
  • the forces are more evenly distributed
  • the first metatorso-phalangeal joint is spared but not limited in its mobility
  • the first metatorso-phalangeal joint is still movable but with less force
  • the mobility stays intact and the cartilage tissue can reconstruct itself
  • the pain diminishes or disappears

A slow increase in training is important. The same measures as for the Hallux Valgus have to be carried out.

Achilles Tendon

Achilles tendon pain can be caused by poor posture and a poor gait pattern on hard, artificial surfaces. In the case of Achilles tendon pain, just doing certain exercises and power training is nowhere near enough. Tendon pain is a sign that an area is under excessive strain, which has to be limited consequently.

The chronic inflammation of the Achilles tendon is a consequence of overstress. Very often it occurs to athletes, (mainly runners, soccer and football players), due to incorrect stress or overexertion. When a person has knee pain, this knee is unconsciously relieved, the other side overstressed, and in that way an inflammation of the Achilles tendon is often triggered. Relieving postures also always occur by back pains or foot problems.

Therapy for chronic inflammation of the Achilles tendon is done in three steps:

  • stretch lower leg muscles
  • reduce irritation and stress on the tendon
  • increase blood flow to the tendon tissue

Walking on elastic materials causes a gentle stress to the musculature. Thus the tendon is no longer irritated and the inflammation can subside. With every step on elastic materials, the tendon is stretched. In addition, muscle pump and veins are activated. The tendon tissue has a better blood flow, fresh blood and oxygen can reach the tendon which supports the healing of the inflammation.

It is important not to change into normal shoes as long as the inflammation of the Achilles tendon still exists. The customer should wear the kybun all the time because in normal shoes the tendon is irritated again and again and the inflammation cannot subside.

How kybun affects tendon pain

To restore function in the case of Achilles tendon pain it is important to take the pressure off the affected area. If you change your footwear and swap to shoes with a soft sole on which the foot can move naturally, the pressure is taken off the overstrained area and it can gradually regain function. kybun transforms even the hardest everyday floor into a soft, natural one. Your body straightens automatically as if you were walking on an uneven surface. Your muscles are strengthened, stretched and supplied with blood with every step you take. kybun relieves tension all over your body as your muscle chains get exactly the kind of coordinated pressure that they are naturally intended to receive. kybun can have an incomparable effect on Achilles tendon pain and is a good way to self-treat almost any pain caused by inflammation in the musculoskeletal system, especially in the lower extremity.

Forefoot Pain

Is kybun suitable in case of forefoot pain? Often, your forefoot does not hurt all the time; the pain comes and goes. If you start walking in kybun during a pain-free phase, then it is important not to wear the shoes for too long. Regular, brief periods are ideal. This exercises the fine muscles in your forefoot, making your feet more robust and reducing the likelihood of inflammation. This way, you will be able to wear kybun for increasing lengths of time, and the tendency to inflammation may even disappear over time.

Calluses / Blisters

Calluses and blisters occur when you place too much stress on one part of your foot. As pressure is evenly taken off the whole foot in kybun, almost all customers report that calluses tend to go away (mostly on the forefoot) and their skin becomes far softer. The 'protective posture principle' can mean that calluses or blisters appear on parts of the foot which were previously not affected by them. This happens because kybun balances out unconscious protective postures, placing equal stress on all the joints and relieving tension in the back. However, at the same time that pressure is taken off the side which previously took all the pressure, more stress is placed on the side previously protected by your posture. This extra pressure on the foot which was previously protected can temporarily cause calluses or blisters on that foot. When, after a few months, the whole system gets into its new balance, the calluses will disappear again, or not return when you rub them off. Blisters usually only occur at the beginning. If you get blisters we recommend using blister plasters.


Knee Pain

Knee Pain

The knee is one of the most complex joints in your body. There are various structures (menisci, ligaments, cartilage) which can be injured and/or degenerate. The results are instability and knee pain. This leads to protective postures by taking the pressure off the damaged structures and in the long term to walking disabilities accompanied by a drop in quality of life. Degeneration of the knee can be a result of walking and running in a physiologically detrimental manner. It can occurs on flat, hard floors. This creates a high-impact, passive gait with excessive strain to the joints.

There are three kinds of knee pain, e.g. meniscus and patella fiber problems and arthrosis. These are wear marks on the knee, which are a consequence of longtime misapplied force on the knee joint. These misapplied forces occur when civilized man moves on hard, flat surfaces. Wearing shoes with heels leads to passivity of the foot.

When walking on hard, flat surfaces most people take unduly long steps. This irritates the knee joint because the foot does not actively take on the forces but stressing shear forces impinge on the knee joint.

Often the knee is additionally burdened because the untrained feet have the tendency to buckle inwards so that the lateral axis is inaccurate. Therefore the meniscus is overloaded or the patella fiber is irritated. The longtime effect of knocks on the knees is arthrosis.

Would man not walk in supporting, guiding shoes on hard streets and hard surfaces but always walk barefoot on meadows, the musculature of the foot as well as the lower leg and thigh area would be trained with every step. The musculature would work as an ideal shock absorber and the length of the steps would become shorter. The foot would play a more active role in the movement and therefore mainly work as a shock absorber for the knees.

A trained foot tilts to the inside less. It moves physiologically correct, i.e. the foot performs a rotating movement. This starts at the outside of the heel area and ends with pushing off over the first toe. Hereby the knee is optimally stressed.

The elastic kybun sole between the foot and the hard ground enables an active movement of the foot. The musculature is evenly trained and works as an optimal shock absorber.

How kybun affects knee pain

In kybun the right kind of stress is placed on the knee and it is used properly. During the high-stress phase the knee is stretched and actively stabilized by the muscles. This avoids torsion and shear forces in the knee. kybun straightens and stabilises the foot.

The elastic kybun sole:

  • acts naturally absorbing
  • optimizes the stress on the knee and makes it more physiological
  • trains the fine musculature and balances it out
  • trains the coordination of the foot, i.e. optimizes the movement of the foot in such a way that the forces which must be absorbed, are optimally distributed and, most of all, are absorbed by the foot

When changing from a supporting, guiding shoe to the kybun, initial reactions can occur because the weakened foot now stands on an unstable aircushion. The entire system can be unstable for a moment so that additional stretching stimuli, due to overstress of the foot and leg musculature, can impact on the knee.

The following points are to be noted when major problems in the knee area already exist - the kybun:

  • should not be worn too long
  • should be worn consciously
  • is a therapy and training device which trains the movement, coordination and balancing ability of the foot
  • should be used as an everyday shoe only when the foot is sufficiently strengthened

Even when the pain subsides after wearing the kybun, it is important to limit the time of use at the beginning because extended wearing can cause overexertion which can lead to pain after some hours or even the following day.

The training should be slowly increased, i.e. the customer should wear the kybun 2-3 times a day and take it off when pain or irritations occur.

When the customer is without pain, he should continue wearing the kybun for a short time.


In the knee there are two menisci: crescent-shaped cartilaginous discs located between the shinbone and the condyles of the femur. They help stabilise the knee and distribute pressure over the articular cartilage. Every time the knee is loaded the menisci are squeezed. In the long term this high degree of mechanical stress leads to meniscal fraying and degenerative tears. Traumatic injuries (ruptures, tears, lesions) and arthritic changes can result in serious pain and, in the long term, walking disabilities and a drop in your quality
of life.

How kybun affects meniscus disorders

In kybun increased muscular stabilisation in the knee can help alleviate pain and thus improve your quality of life in the long term. It is very important to have a well-structured exercise plan starting out with short, regular exercises in kybun.


It has been shown that osteoporosis sufferers need a lot of exercise. When you walk and stand in kybun you are likely to get far more exercise than in a conventional shoe with a hard sole. In particular, the deep muscles close to the bone get much more exercise. This is especially important if you have osteoporosis. Some people claim that a lot of high-impact activity is required to raise your bone density. I believe that this claim is biased and does not apply in the case of kybun. However, if you are still convinced it is true then you can always swap between hard shoes and kybun, in which case you would have both a great deal of exercise, stimulation of the blood flow through your deep muscles and impacts. When it comes to the secondary symptoms of osteoporosis (back and joint pain, muscle tension) kybun has nothing but a positive effect.

Venous Complaints

The venous valves encourage blood to flow back from the legs towards the heart. If the venous valves become leaky, the blood flows backwards down your legs and deoxygenated blood pools in your legs. The first symptoms are tiredness, a feeling of heaviness and tautness, and possibly also muscle cramps. Your legs swell, and the veins and skin are under huge pressure all day long. The venous walls thicken and varicose veins form. Your skin becomes damp and changes with discolouration. If the problem is not treated at this point, the skin is likely to necrotize after which venous ulcers may occur.

How kybun affects venous complaints

Walking in kybun stimulates your blood flow. The calf muscle pump is activated, encouraging the blood in the veins to flow back to the heart from the legs. In this way, pressure in the veins can be reduced, leg swelling decreases and initial complaints can be relieved. Walking in kybun cannot heal damaged, leaky venous valves! kybun can be used very effectively in preventive care and secondary prevention as a complementary therapeutic measure for venous complaints.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are veins in which the venous valves are insufficient. Venous valves are particularly numerous in those veins in which the blood must be transported contrary to gravity (e.g. in the legs).

Venous valves act like a valve and are responsible for the blood flowing towards the heart. As the blood flow in the veins mainly takes place through forces from outside veins (contractions of the musculature) the venous valves are also responsible for the blood not to flow backwards during resting periods but is transported, step by step, towards the heart.

Through frequent sitting and incorrect walking, the venous blood is not pushed upwards sufficiently and the weight of the blood destroys the venous valves. When walking, the veins are squeezed more, the harder the foot motor is working. When the ankle is active, the muscular pump of the lower leg musculature is at work.

The venous tubes are squeezed and the blood is pressed upwards. When walking in supporting, guiding shoes on flat surfaces, the motion of the ankle is limited and therefore the activity of the muscular pump is also reduced. When standing on flat surfaces, the muscular pump is hardly working either. The weight of the blood pushes the venous valves through and produces varicose veins.

This can be thwarted when the foot motor is activated by walking on elastic materials like the kybun sole. Thereby the muscular pump is vigorously activated and the venous blood forcefully pumped towards the heart again.

In kybun, the muscles in the feet and lower legs are activated, effectively stimulating the calf muscle pump and getting your circulation going. This is perfect protection against varicose veins. Existing varicose veins can unfortunately not be reversed using kybun, but enhanced calf pump activity can help prevent the condition from worsening. kybun helps reactivating muscles in your body which you do not use when walking in normal shoes on a flat floor. In kybun you can use your muscle chains in coordination, just as it is meant to be used.

Leg Length Discrepancy

How kybun affects structural and functional leg length discrepancy

If you have a functional leg length discrepancy you may well find that you feel absolutely fine after walking in kybun, even for a long distance: in this case the leg length discrepancy is usually functional and can be corrected in kybun. If we recommend using kybun without any corrective measure. If you have a real, structural leg length discrepancy, kybun can be adapted to this difference. In this case you best get in touch with us so that we can take a look at your case.

Tension in the Neck and Headaches

The main reason for tension in the neck is a monotonous, incorrect seating posture. Due to a rounded back, head and shoulders glide forward. The back and neck musculature is overstressed and becomes tight because it must constantly work against gravity. As there are many shoulder muscles which lead into the head, this can cause headaches. The most important measure is the reduction of "sitting times" to avoid monotonous postures.

It is important to pay attention to the height of the high desk so that the shoulders are loose when working at the computer. The arms are on the table at a 90 degree angle when writing with mouse and keyboard. The monitor is positioned so that the eyes are looking straight ahead or slightly downward at the monitor.


Back, hip, knee, foot, and vein pains as well as falls at an advanced age are prevalent. The cause mostly lies in the lack of strength, coordination, and mobility of the foot. Walking on flat surfaces in shoes with (mobility impairing) heels, limits the mobility of the feet and weakens the musculature. The lack in footwork when walking, is compensated for by intensive hip work. The unnatral cooperation between the foot motor and the hip motor leads to muscle dysbalances, tension, relieving and incorrect postures, which increase during the course of time. Back, hip, knee, foot, and vein complaints, pelvic obliquity as well as falls at an advanced age are therefore symptoms of lack of daily training on natural ground, for which man is built.

Gait Animation

The analysis of the extremely upright gait of primitive people shows that their posture is directly connected to their vigorous footwork which results from walking on natural ground daily. Such people do not only walk upright, they do not know back, hip, knee, foot, and vein complaints up to an old age.

The kybun MechanoTherapy by Karl Müller is an empirical knowledge science which has recognized these connections and has developed products which make it possible to bring wellbeing and the effect of the elastic natural ground to the everyday life of civilized man.

Walking on the aircushion sole of the kybun trains the feet minute for minute, straightens the body, relaxes the muscles, spares the joints, and relieves the pressure on the veins. The integration of the kybun MechanoTherapy into everyday life strengthens the foot motor so that the hip motor is relieved when walking and the active forces in the musculoskeletal system switch from the hip and pelvis area to the feet.

There is a transition to an upright, foot-oriented gait during which the body moves away from the dangerous relieving and bent posture into a complete, natural stretching where all joint movements (e.g. stretching of the knee) are executed completely. The transition to a foot-oriented gait is an efficient measure to achieve a relief of pain for such prevalent medical conditions as heel spur, Hallux, inflammation of the Achilles tendon and much more. Thereby, not only are symptoms reduced – except for diagnosed illnesses –but causes are also treated.

The kybun trains the musculature and the coordination. Wearing the kybun changes the stress on ligaments, muscles, tendons, and joints. This causes a positive change in the posture and the gait pattern. During the transition, some people can have initial reactions which occur in the form of pain or inflammations.

In this case, the kybun should only be worn consciously for a short time at the beginning but when possible several times a day. Mostly the daily wearing time can be already increased to one to two hours after a few days. In most cases, the kybun becomes the comfortable everyday shoe after a few weeks.

Claiming kybun Footwear as a Medical Expense

Although kybun footwear and mats have yet to be classified as medical devices in Canada (which is often a prerequisite to be eligible for insurance programs), you may be able to claim them as medical expenses to be eligible for a non-refundable tax credit on line 33099 of your federal tax return and in the corresponding line in your provincial return - provided you have a prescription for them from your medical doctor.

The total amount of medical expenses you can claim in a calendar year equates to whichever is lower: 3% of your net income, or $2,479 [as of 2022]. The guidance for this is provided on the Canada Revenue Agency site, which does have an entry for "Orthopaedic shoes, boots, and inserts" that can be quickly found with their search form. It only requires that you have a doctor's prescription (which you need to keep for 7 years after filing in case you get audited), no additional forms.

Screenshot from CRA site on orthotic shoes qualifying as medical expense

Health Disclaimer. Content provided by kybun AG. Copyright ©2018-2024.