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kybun Mat Reviews

Customer Testimonials - How the kyBounder Can Help

These videos feature a number of actual customers of various ages and body types explaining how using a kybun mat helped make them more productive at work or relieved associated conditions (such as tension headaches). In the final ones, Karl Muller, the founder of kybun, shows how he uses a kyBounder as an exercise mat to keep his legs limber and stave off the pain in his knee, which has sustained damage from injuries and wear.

Sitting was Yesterday – Standing is the Future:

Since he started working while standing on a kybun mat, Patrick Oppliger has stopped getting headaches. He releases tension and keeps fit while working through constant, gentle movement on the soft, springy surface. The start-up project manager is so impressed by the effect that he recommended the kybun mat to his work colleagues. They have now also become diligent users of the specialist aid, which brings more joy to the working day.


A Healthy Posture for Office Work:

Many people adopt the wrong posture when sitting at their desk. Christoph Kempter, CEO of SOPAC AG in St. Gallen, Switzerland, certainly found this to be the case. For that reason, he looked for something that would help him to maintain a healthy posture at work. He now uses a standing desk in combination with the soft, springy and elastic kybun mat. This keeps his body moving. Kempter believes that his posture has noticeably improved and that these micro-movements keep him physically and mentally healthy. His new workplace setup has also greatly alleviated his back pain.


Standing Comfortably:

Alex Zenhäusern is a telematics specialist at Elektro Frei Rheintal AG. He spends a large amount of his time at work standing in front of his computer – and on top of a soft, springy kyBounder. “It makes a massive difference whether I’m standing on hard ground or on the kyBounder. I never would have thought that,” says Alex Zenhäusern, beaming. Thanks to this mat, he stands comfortably at work. The kyBounder causes him to constantly make gentle motions, loosening up his entire body and training his core muscles. That way, he comes home at the end of each day feeling refreshed and invigorated.


Folk Musician Christian Alder Took Inspiration from Star Athletes:

Christian Alder of the ‘Sängerfreunde’ singing troupe repairs and sells household appliances as his day job. He recently acquired a new office space and equipped it with a standing desk and kybun mat. When visiting customers, Alder, who is based in Urnäsch, Switzerland, also wears kybun shoes – and has had positive experiences doing so. These shoes make him feel like he’s walking on feathers. Plus, the shoes and the kybun mat have also improved his posture. He first learned of these shoes with special soles from star athletes.


No More Sacral Joint Pain:

Caroline Winter had been suffering from severe sacral joint pain ever since the birth of her daughter. Visits to an osteopath and a regular fitness regime allowed her to keep the pain temporarily at bay. However, whenever she took breaks from her exercise schedule, the pain would return. Nowadays, Caroline Winter has virtually no complaints. Her health has improved thanks to the soft, springy kyBounder mat. The wife and mother likes to stand on it while ironing and cooking. Says Caroline Winter: “It’s a comfortable feeling. It also lets you easily integrate exercise into your everyday chores.”


The kybun Knee Exercise Set:

Do you want to live a life free from pain, even though you suffer from arthrosis? We can help you with these exercises in the kybun knee exercise set. (This is part of an 8 part series on how to use kybun products and supportive exercises to relieve knee pain. Four of those videos show exercises which can be done on the floor, in kybun shoes, on the kybun treadmill, or even in bed, but you can watch the five featuring just the kybun mat together in sequence, here in this playlist.)