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Knee Arthrosis - kybun Therapy

"Dr. kybun-Joya" on Arthrosis in the Knees

Knee arthrosis is a degenerative disease of the knee joint. Due to wear and care of the cartilage layer and the associated adhesions of the fashia, the sliding ability of the knee joint is no longer guaranteed or is reduced. This is often associated with restricted movement and pain.

The constant shock to the heel, which is not cushioned, as well as the uncontrolled dropping of the feet onto the hard, flat ground leads to cartilage degrading impacts in the knee joints. The subsequent rapid increase in force makes it impossible for the stabilizing muscles to tense in time. As a result, the cartilage is incorrectly stressed and overloaded.

To protect the sensitive cartilage, the surrounding fascia stick together. This further restricts mobility around the knee joint, which exacerbates the problem.

Conventional measures include orthopedic insoles, knee bandages, or physiotherapeutic treatments. Since all these measures do not prevent heel strikes and uncontrolled foot drop, they usually only provide short-term relief.

Wearing kybun or Joya shoes, on the other hand, stops pain in the vast majority of cases quickly and sustainably, because the sinking of the heel into the elastic springy sole cushions the cartilage, degrading impacts with each step, allowing the muscles around the knee joint to tense up in time. As a result, the knee is correctly stabilized and guided. This natural movement also protects the knee joint from fascial adhesions.

Experience pain-free walking again thanks to kybun and Joya shoes, and try them out for yourself in one of our shops.

Choose therapy over surgery, and your heels will always be grateful.