Achilles Tendon Pain - kybun Therapy
"Dr. kybun-Joya" on Pain in the Achilles Tendon
The Achilles tendon is the collective joint of the three-headed calf muscles and serves to attach them to the heel. It is the thickest and strongest tendon in the human body.
There are three clinical pictures of Achilles tendon pain: 1) Achillodynia or acute Achilles tendon pain; 2) chronic pain of the Achilles tendon; and 3) the Achilles tendon tear or partial tear.
The constant impact of the heel on the hard flat floors leads to misuse and overload of the Achilles tendon which can then become inflamed. Pain in the Achilles tendon is typically very long-lasting, as it is poorly supplied with blood.
Conventional measures are orthopedic insoles, heel pads, or physiotherapeutic treatments. As these measures all fail to prevent heel impact, they usually only offer short-term relief.
Wearing kybun or Joya shoes on the other hand stops pain in the vast majority of cases quickly and sustainably, thanks to the gentle rolling motion of the elastic springy sole which stops the constant irritation quickly and also eliminates the cause of the Achilles tendon pain experience.
Pain-free walking again, thanks to kybun-Joya shoes and try them out for yourself in one of our shops.
Choose therapy over surgery and your Achilles tendon will always be grateful.